Erko at work


Anu Viltrop
CEO and Member of Board

+372 5665 9118,

Anu has been working in several non-profit organizations. Among others, she has been a member of management board and manager of support services at the Estonian Refugee Council. Anu is at Slava Ukraini because helping Ukraine is important for her. If she has spare time and opportunity, she volunteers at the Victim Support.


Kristo Tohver
Chairman of the Council
Kristo meelest peaks igaüks meist tegema, mis suudab, et aidata Ukraina võidule sõjas Euroopa ja sh Eesti vabaduse eest. Kui sõja alguses oli see Kristo jaoks koos oma Tallinna Vanalinna Rotary klubi sõpradega Ukrainale raha kogumine ja kiirabide Ukrainasse saatmine, siis alates 2023. aasta märtsist on see olnud Slava Ukraini organisatsiooni väärikuse ja laiemalt annetamise vastu usalduse taastamine.

Merike Külm
Council member

Merike has a day job as a sales manager at Semetron. She is at the council of Slava Ukraini because she wanst to help Ukraine to the best of her abilities.

Ilmar Raag
Council member

Ilmar is a film director who supports Ukraine on several fronts. He continues his work at Slava Ukraini because he believes in the mission of the organization. Ilmar is impressed how Slava Ukraini has come through the crisis and basically started again from scratch.

Margus Hanson
Council member
Terje Trochynskyi
Council member

Vatra she is kind of a cultural representative who promotes Ukrainian culture and music in Estonia and the world. Terje has been active in Slava Ukraini from the very beginning. Her contribution is to collect and mediate the information about changing needs of Ukraine.


Heigo Ausmees

Margus Hanson

Merike Külm

Kristjan Mesipuu

Mait Mäesalu

Heleri Parkala

Ilmar Raag

Kristo Tohver

Terje Trochynskyi

Marja Vaba

Pirkko Valge

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Have you donated to Slava Ukraini and want to have a say in how your donation is used, what projects the NGO Slava Ukraini implements and what the future of the organization should be? Become our member! The management board reviews the applications of new members and gives feedback at least once a month. Be sure to familiarize yourself with our statutes before submitting an application.

Statutes of NGO Slava Ukraini (EST) »

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