NGO Slava Ukraini – overview of Activities in June

MTÜ Slava Ukraini will continue its activities, as the Russian war against Ukraine is still ongoing. We are fully dependent on donations to achieve our goals.

What has been achieved?

  • By end of June, we have gathered 20 320,75 for the Every drop counts campaign launched in February. We’ve purchased equipment for blood transmission trainings for almost EUR 24,000 for our partner organization PULSE. As the delivery of some of the equipment has been delayed, we will transport everything to Ukraine by the end of July.
  • Building the prototype of a new evacuation vehicle is in progress.
  • We have gathered donations in the sum of EUR  1762,58  in May.

Every drop counts

The campaign we started in February, Every drop counts, needs your donations. Slava Ukraini has been able to order all the equipment, such as blood warmers, Eldon cards, different simulators and training kits, data loggers and containers, needed for blood transfusion trainings thanks to the donations, including the ones from income tax returns. From now on, all the donations you’ll make will contribute to buying the equipment that will go directly to the front line to help Ukrainian soldiers.

Building guerilla ambulances

The guerilla ambulances are used to transport wounded soldiers from the front line to a safer location, where first aid can be given to them or they can be transported to a hospital with a regular ambulance. Guerilla ambulances are built for navigating difficult terrain. 

It can happen that the landscape is too rough for the guerilla ambulances. It may also happen that there is no place where to take cover or that there’s a minefield at the location of the rescue. Because of that we have procured two ATV-s with a carrier to improve the flexibility and speed of conducting rescue missions.

From August of 2023 until today we have acquired 34 cars, 32 of which have been handed over. In addition, we have bought and handed over to the units 4 ATV with trailers as well as one separate trailer.

We were lucky to buy a Toyota Hiace in May that is being rebuilt in Estonia as of now.

We’re thankful to all donators and volunteers who have helped us to send a good number of guerilla ambulances to the Ukrainian front line.

Creating prototype for a new evacuation vehicle

As it is difficult to find suitable Toyota Hiaces on the market to rebuild as guerilla ambulances, we have started work to create a new evacuation vehicle with our partners, so that evacuation of Ukrainian soldiers from the front line can continue. We can tell more about the project quite soon.


In May, a total of EUR 1762.58 was donated to Slava Ukraini.

 Since November last year, we belong to the list of charities who adopt the best practices for gathering donations (in Estonian).

There are still criminal procedures underway in both Estonia and Ukraine to shed light on how the donations were used before March 2023.

You can find our expense reports (in Estonian) on our website that we update monthly.

The annual report for 2023 has been completed.


We are collecting donations for the following projects:

  • We continue to collect donations to acquire guerilla ambulances and ATVs. Those vehicles are sorely needed at the front line to evacuate wounded soldiers quickly. Donations can be sent to EE727700771007665845 using “guerilla” as the reference. 
  • In cooperation with our previous collaborator PULSE we would like to improve blood transfusion capabilities in front-line stabilizatoin points.Fast evacuation and a blood transfusion administered immediately after the blood loss increases survival rates. We aim to support up to four units. The total expense is EUR 236,750, which includes training the medics and supplying the equipment. 

Donations can be sent to EE927700771008965285 using “veri” as the reference.

All the listed expenses include operational costs which amount to approximately ten percent of the total.

Find out how to donate on our home page.

A big thank you to everyone who has donated so far!


NGO Slava Ukraini is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2022 to act in public interest with the goal of supporting the armed forces and the civilian population of Ukraine with life-protecting and life-saving aid. To achieve the goals, NGO Slava Ukraini provides assistance for the armed forces of Ukraine in arranging medical activities in the frontline as well as skills, knowledge and tools to deal with war damage.