NGO Slava Ukraini – overview of Activities in August

In August, 1793 soldiers participated in the PULSE Tactical Combat Casualty Care training. Since May this year, 4317 soldiers have been at the PULSE training and know how provide life-saving first aid on the battlefield. In August, trainings were held in the following oblasts: Odessa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Rivne.

As per the cooperation agreement, Slava Ukraini supports PULSE with EUR 132 030 and aims to train 8100 soldiers. Soldiers who have participated in the training know how to use life-saving first-aid techniques on the battlefield. It has been estimated that each trained soldier may save lives of up to 10 comrades. The trainings will continue until January 2024 in the framework of the agreement.

In the beginning of August, we handed over military camouflage paint to the Estonian Decence Forces to be sent to Ukraine. As MilSpray camouflage paint is a spray rather than usual paste, it can be applied quickly and efficiently when needed. Using camouflage is vital for the soldiers to be invisible for the enemy. In total 24 000 cans of MilSpray camouflage paint will be sent to Ukraine by NGO Slava Ukraini in order to save Ukrainian soldiers’ lives. We’ll monitor the progress of the project and we’ll be looking forward to the feedback from Ukraine to the innovative paint.

We’ve been organizing the Tallinn warehouse and donating the items we still have in the warehouse. In the middle of August, we sent 130 low-profile mattresses to Ukraine. They will be used in the stabilization points in the area of Donbas. We also sent 8 computers, 8 keyboards and mouses and 16 monitors to Ternopil. The operational training centre of International Legion in Lviv received another 5 computers, 5 keyboards and mouses as well as 10 monitors.

Front line ambulance project was restarted by NGO Slava Ukraini with the aim of sending 18 guerilla ambulances to Ukraine by November 2023. The estimated cost per vehicle is EUR 12 200, including a suitable car, rebuilding it as a guerilla ambulance, its transport into Ukraine, maintenance repair, four tyres and two extra tyres. As of end of August, we have bought three cars, two of them are in Ukraine already and are being rebuilt as we speak. We are waiting for the last extra tyres and spare parts to arrive. The third car is in Tallinn, receiving maintenance. We’re working with different repair shops in Ukraine at this stage of the project in order to find out about their experience and compare the pricing. We’ll be buying tyres and also basket systems to transport the wounded. We’ve come to an agreement with Bustruckparts ( who will provide us with the folding seats from the buses that will be demolished. The seats will carry medical staff as well as the lightly wounded. Each ambulance will have 2 to 3 seats as desired by the receiving unit.

Estonian Defence League delivered necessary equipment for Brigades 112 and 116 in Ukraine. Purchase of the equipment was supported with the funds donated to NGO Slava Ukraini accounts. Various equipment in the value of EUR 100 000 was bought, e.g. vision equipment, range finders and drones, all delivered to the units trained by the Estonian Defence League during Spring this year.

Organizational changes in NGO Slava Ukraini


On August 9th, Erko Laidinen joined the Slava Ukraini team in Ukraine to lead the guerilla ambulances project

The statute of NGO Slava Ukraini was passed by the general assembly, defining the tasks and responsibilities of the general assembly, the council and the board of the organization.

We invite new people to join NGO Slava Ukraini. Especially welcome are the people and companies who would like to participate in the discussions how their donations will be used, which projects Slava Ukraini will start and how the organization will develop. More info on Slava Ukraini home page.



As of May 9th, the date when changes took place in the board of the organization, the amount of donations on the NGO’s accounts was about EUR 664 000.

Between May 9th and the end of August about EUR 47 000 were donated to the NGO. Criminal procedures are underway in Estonia and Ukraine to shed light on how the donations were used before March 2023.

NGO Slava Ukraini is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2022 to act in public interest with the goal of supporting the armed forces and the civilian population of Ukraine with life-protecting and life-saving aid. To achieve the goals, NGO Slava Ukraini provides assistance for the armed forces of Ukraine in arranging medical activities in the frontline as well as skills, knowledge and tools to deal with the war damage.